(209) 373-3288
Following is a list of training Chaplains may receive through the Core Course Training.
  • Compassion Fatigue
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Response to Critical Incidents, Emergencies, and Disasters
  • Coroner Protocols
  • Death Notifications
  • Personal and Professional Ethics
  • Homicide Investigation and Chaplains Role
  • Missing Persons
  • Mandated Reporting- Child Abuse
  • Elder Abuse
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Funeral and Grieving Cultural Uniqueness
  • Crime Scene Integrity
  • Traffic Fatalities
  • Blood and Air Borne Pathogens
One of the most important and difficult roles of a Chaplain is to provide Death Notifications. This event is one of the most delicate and compassionate areas that Chaplains excel in. As the deliverer of a Death Notification, this is the person the `Next of Kin` will most have an emotional connection with. A Coroner or Officer will invariably have to leave a scene to close their file or case, they cannot stay with the family, as a Chaplain can. This is very important, as it will decide- emotionally, where a family member will turn to. Chaplains are able to stay with the family and provide the support as the grief process takes its many turns. The Chaplain provides the short term crisis care that can help the family with resources, connecting the family with other family members as a “Presence of Comfort and Peace”. This is vital.